Luca Forcucci mit Aufnahmen aus dem brasilianischen Regenwald

“De Rerum Natura”, zu deutsch “Von der Natur”, ist der passende Name von Luca Forcuccis neuem Album, dessen Material komplett auf bereits 2008 gesammelten Feldaufnahmen aus den Regenwäldern der Amazonasregion basiert. Das Album erscheint am 20. Januar als LP und digital auf Forcuccis eigenem Label LFO Editions.

“The environment is dense with sonorities; it absorbs and influences the beholder/listener while soundwalking, spotting locations or recording. The ears and the mind are fully dedicated to listening, leading to vivid mental imagery. The sonic does not carry its reality within itself but is comparable to a symbol that triggers ‘virtual’ reality in the mind of the listener. The Amazon rainforest is so remote that one can concentrate only on the recording task with absolute dedication. The experience is so intense that the sounds become deeply engraved into one’s mind. The powerful images created by the sonic environment while recording and Deep Listening create the composer’s initial mental images. The final resulting imprint is the story told by the Amazonian space.” (Luca Forcucci)

@ Luca Forucci