Eva Lindal und Virg Dzurinko interpretieren Sofia Ganeshian

Die beiden Musikerinnen Eva Lindal und Virg Dzurinko bringen eine CD mit Interpretationen der armenischen Komponistin Sofia Ganeshian heraus. Lindal stieß eher zufällig auf handgeschriebene Partituren der völlig unbekannten Komponistin und regte eine ganze Reihe an Arbeiten an, die unter dem Arbeitstitel “The Sophia Project” laufen. Das mit Violine und Flügel eingespielte Album “The Hidden Music of Sofia G.” ist als Auftakt dazu zu verstehen.

“This recording is the result of a happy accident — violinist Eva Lindal’s discovery of highly unusual handwritten scores by an unknown composer. The name “Sofia Ganeshian” does not appear on any list of 20th Century composers. And yet, Sofia’s music places her among the most daring composers of her time. Eva and pianist Virg Dzurinko were determined to find out as much as they could about the Armenianborn composer’s life. Their search for information has become an ongoing project as more details come to light.

This first-ever recording of Sofia Ganeshian’s compositions presents seven of her pieces for piano and violin, the earliest of which dates from the early 1930s and the latest from the mid-1950s. [...] Eva Lindal is a Swedish violinist, active as a performer of contemporary, improvised and baroque music. American pianist Virg Dzurinko is based in New York and works with focus on jazz and free improvisation. Eva and Virg started their duo collaboration in New York at the end of the 1990s.” (Sharakan Music)

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