Winterfest: 3″-CD von Cate Brooks auf Clay Pipe Music

Clay Pipe Music bringen eine neue 3″-CD mit Kompositionen von Cate Brooks im Rahmen ihrer Mini CD-Reihe heraus. Die fünf Stücke der 23minütigen EP gehen auf Feldaufnahmen zurpck, die die Komponistin vor über zwanzig Jahren vom fallenden Schnee und diversen winterlichen Umgebungsgeräuschen gemacht hatte, und die nun zu einer Komponente einer umfangreicheren Komposition geworden sind. Die EP ist auch zum Download erhältlich.

“I love winter and all the emotions the season stirs within us. This collection of work is a paean to my winters of the past, present and future; the situations I’ve found myself in and the promise of those that could happen. It all started with the unearthing of a field recording I made over twenty years ago, of snow falling. It was freezing out there and I had a microphone pointing skyward to the falling flakes, in the middle of a field. It was fascinating listening back to the textures, with a bubbling stream attempting to fight being frozen, along with distant trains passing. With the passage of time, these textures take on a very emotive hue. They are now woven directly into the fabric of the work. I’m hoping that Winterfest will accompany your winter activities, all the way from December to the end of February.” (Cate Brooks)

@ Clay Pipe Music