Stranger Becoming: Trio mit Hans Koch, Frantz Loriot und Jonas Kocher

Mitte des Monats erscheint die erste gemeinsame CD des Schweitzer Trios bestehend aus dem Klarinettisten Hans Koch, dem Bratschisten Frantz Loriot und dem Akkordeon-Virtuosen Jonas Kocher, den Leser unserer Seiten noch von seiner zusammenarbeit mit Joke Lanz kennen. Das Album mit dem Titel “Stranger Becoming erscheint bei Neither/Nor Records und Bruit Editions.

“The trio, formed in the summer of 2020, gave its first concert at the “Concepts-of-Doing” Festival in Herrischried, Germany in July 2020. Since then, they have not stopped working to develop a music that has become self-evident: insistently repeated motifs, broken melodic lines, sometimes tonal harmonies cohabiting with pure sound production. The three musicians develop their respective materials in tension with each other. They are able to merge their sounds at any moment, just as they can evolve for a long time in parallel, without a priori seeking unity. A unity that is achieved through the density of the playing and the quality of the listening developed in common as well as the mixture of timbres that is reminiscent of folk music.” (Neither/Nor Records und Bruit Editions)

Foto © Sebastian Rotzler

@ Neither/ Nor Records | Bruit Editions