Uncertainty: Digitale EP von Benedikt Schiefer

Der besonders durch seine Film-Soundtracks bekannte Komponist Benedikt Schiefer bringt eine EP mit Stücken für Piano, Synthies, Cello und Perkussion heraus. Die in vier Abschnitte unterteilte Suite ist stark von Schiefers buddhistischer Praxis der Atemmeditation und vom Interesse an der Lehre und der parabelhaften Biografie des historischen Buddha geprägt und sollte ursprünglich “Atman” heißen. Die EP erscheint digital auf Bandcamp.

“In a time of personal crisis I found myself introspecting at the piano. Letting myself go with closed eyes, I followed my breath, engulfed by harmonising colours. “Atman” was the original working title. Breath provided me with structure and rhythm. Instead of constructed and written-out rhythms, I wanted to let my breath alone determine when I play the piano over the emotionally charged chords of the drone-like strings. Working like this opened up a space to get in touch with myself and my emotions. From the practice of meditation, too, the third layer was now added as interjections of the piano paired with percussion. Fleeting moments or glimpses at oneself now gave form to the music. I had read Gautama Buddha’s biography when I was 11 years old. Mindfulness had always been a part of my life and had offered me a loving, reconciling and helping hand out of my crises. Now, the moment had come again to offer my thankful hand to this helping one. So I made a promise: never let go of that hand. What better way to experience effortless mindfulness than through sound, this wallowing entity in time and space? Shifting into the nature of mind, being and seeing with an open heart…What am I? Breathe, my friend.” (Benedikt Schiefer)