The Dollmaker Tales: Raoul Sinier mit neuem Longplayer

Auf seinem eigenen Label bringt der Musiker, Illustrator und Animationsfilmer Raoul Sinier in Kürze sein mittlerweile zehntes Album “The Dollmaker Tales” heraus: eine Mixtur aus Rock, Jazz, Funk und sogar Hiphop, bei der eine dunkel-melancholische Grundierung aus Pianoparts und hypnotischer Elektronik trotz allem einen roten Faden bilden – ebenso sehr wie der hochemotionale Grundtenor, der von aufgewühlter zu geerdeter Stimmung, von Wehmut bis Euphorie eine ganze Palette an Emotionen auslotet und nur die durchgehende Intensität beibehält.

“Raoul Sinier is without doubt a unique artist. He juggles music, illustration and animation with a freewheeling talent. The race of fantastic creatures that escape from Raoul Sinier’s imagination seem to be characterised by the same wavering reason found in human beings. The artist breathes absurd and derisory life into whale-men, animals, robots and other creatures in a dark and twisted world. His music captures emotions and nails then down somewhere, on a familiar door. This kidnapping curiously liberates the listener and enables their penetration into the very sophisticated musical universe of the musician. The power of the inspiring alchemy is ever increasing with its captivating melodies and ultraviolent rhythms. Films, animation… the videos he conceives and directs invent a wild form of multiplexing into which are plunged atypical images and music which follow an improbable script. But beyond the fury of monsters and the screaming music is the exacerbated sensitivity of a demanding individual, totally refractory to the intellectual arts world. For several years now the artistic activity of Raoul Sinier has been gently spreading its way across the borders of Europe.”