All Skies Have Sounded: Doppel-LP des Transcendence Orchestra

Ungefähr ein Jahr nach dem letzten regulären Longplayer “Feeling the Spirit” wartet das aus Anthony Child (als Surgeon in tanzbareren Gefilden unterwegs) und Daniel Bean bestehende Transcendence Orchestra mit einem weiteren Album voll kreisender, flirrender, kosmisch-animistischer Soundscapes auf. “All Skies Have Sounded” basiert auf Überlegungen zur Kosmologie indigener Völker im Nordosten der heutigen USA, die sich selbst Haudenosaunee – Volk des langen Hauses – nannten, bei ihren Nachbarn dagegen als Irokesen bekannt waren. Das Album erscheint dieser Tage als Doppel-LP im Gatefold-Cover, als CD und digital bei Editions Mego. Das Cover-Artwork basiert auf dem Gemälde “Healing Painting (Sirène géante)” der französischen Malerin Vidya Gastaldon.

“Gonzen, uminari or retumbos. Perhaps you’ve heard these sounds? They’re known to occur all over the world and, as one might expect, humans have strained to offer various explanations for these unsettling emissions that materialise unbidden from the sky. We like to say that we’ve understood what’s happening so that we can move on. Tidy up the loose ends and don’t scare the horses. Nothing wrong with that in good measure, but there’s something to be said for the Haudenosaunee peoples’ explanation. They pointed out that the Great Spirit hasn’t finished their work of shaping the earth and is making a fair bit of noise while they’re at it. If you accept that many questions never truly get answered, in fact can or should never truly be answered, you may be able to tune your mind to this collection of lingering sonic detonations. If you accept that the work is ongoing, our labours seldom done, that there’s not much point talking about the end of anything, you may be ready to join us. It’s not our task to finish it, nor are we free to desist.” (The Transcendence Orchestra)

“Though perhaps best known for his dancefloor orientated work as Surgeon, transcendence and experimentation have been a constant presence in Anthony Child’s work from the very beginning of his prodigious trajectory through production and performance. Notable recent forays away from the kick drum and towards the secret domains of the mind include his two volumes of Electronic Recordings From Maui Jungle, also released by Editions Mego. The Transcendence Orchestra sees Child combing synthesis with a panoply of esoteric acoustic instruments, disregarding pre-conceived ideas about what constitutes techno. Daniel Bean first met Anthony Child over a decade ago as part of the collective behind the Bleep43 parties in London, at which Surgeon was a regular performer. As well as being fellow enthusiasts of arcane music, their shared fondness for drones naturally resulted in a project dedicated to exploring the effect of tone and improvisation on consciousness. His ability to wrangle sounds from a diverse array of instruments via technology both old and new was pivotal in producing the thick, multi-layered sound of this album.” (Editions Mego)

@ Editions Mego