Tomaga und Father Murphy am 13. April im Arkoada Berlin

In einem Monat erscheint Father Murphys neues Album “Requiem”, angekündigt als letzte Veröffentlichung, bevor die Mitglieder der italienischen Okkultband neue Wege beschreiten. Rechtzeitig touren die beiden noch einmal durch Europa und machen am nächten Unglückstag im Berliner ARKODA-Club Station. Headliner des Abends ist allerdings die englische Band Tomaga, die sicher wie be früheren Auftritten wieder mit einer lärmigen Stilmischung aufwarten wird.

“Tomaga channel various forms of multi-instrumentalism into music that moves by turns through industrial, jazz, psychedelia and minimalism, on it’s way to somewhere wholly other. Devoted to musical exploration, this London based duo obsessively deconstruct familiar tropes, looking for the tension that lies between improvisation and form. Tomaga formed in 2014 and have already released an impressive discography. Their most recent release is ‘Memory In Vivo Exposure’ which was included in several best of 2017 lists including Uncut Magazine and The Attic.

Father Murphy, consisting of Freddie Murpy and Chiara Lee, is the sound of the Catholic sense of Guilt. A downward spiral aiming at the bottom of the hollow, and then digging even deeper. Father Murphy over the years became one of the most mysterious and enigmatic musical entities coming out of Italy, part of that community that Simon Reynolds and Julian Cope started to call the new “Italian Occult Psychedelia”. The Duo have told their story over a dozen Albums and EPs documenting a deep personal decent into turmoil that culminates in their final record „Rising.A Requiem For Father Murphy“ and this very last Berlin show.”

Freitag, 13. April
Einlass: 20.00 Uhr
Beginn: 21.00 Uhr

arkaoda Berlin
Karl-Marx Platz 16
12043 Berlin
Event @ Facebook