Jüngst erschien ein neues digitales Album des in New York lebenden niederländischen Komponisten und Soundartis Flin van Hemmen. In einer Phase persönlicher Einkehr und Transformation entstanden, schöpft “Luxury of Mind” aus tiefen emotionalen Schichten. In seinen Liner Notes heißt es: “In order to thaw matters of the heart, one must go to where it’s cold. It was the summer of 2022 and I was finally summoned there. My personal winter had come, a place at once foreign and familiar. In a flash I was made aware of all my life’s dimensions – the ones less welcome, or simply too big to face. My sense of musicianship was temporarily halted, at that point unsure of its return. Early 2024 I knew my personal winter was waning, and so I started tinkering away again, musically. The pitter patter of the rain, the orchestra rehearsing their parts simultaneously, the sounds inside Weiterlesen