Ende Mai erscheint auf RVNG Intl. ein neues Album von Greg Fox, der 2011 von der Village Voice als bester Drummer New Yorks mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet wurde. Fox ist multidisziplinärer Künstler, Studiomann und Musiklehrer, als Schlagzeuger arbeitete er neben vielen anderen mit Dan Deacon, Uniform und der oft als Nerds verschrieenen Black Metal-Combo Liturgy. Der neue Longplayer “Contact”, eine hypnotisierende Auslotung melodischer, perkussiver Muster, knüpft an das vor drei Jahren erschienene “The Gradual Progression” an.
“Greg Fox’s Contact is an extension and evolution of the multidisciplinary artist’s rigorous, virtuosic sound-making practices. On Contact, the devoted performer, intrepid composer and avid collaborator channels an alchemy of influences and ideas through the kinetic exchange of human and percussive forms. Produced and mixed by Randall Dunn, Contact sees Fox accessing ever more raw and ruminative states, processing the tumult of sentience into stick-hit-drum. [...] Contact was delivered during a period of intense creative, emotional and spiritual growth. Fox takes the concept of sensation and pushes it beyond its technical potential into philosophical realms. While a reference to the instrumental impact, Contact also embodies the phenomenon of sensation in lived experience, and Buddhist notions about painful and pleasant physical and mental sensations, from which one may be liberated through internal process. We are offered a close, confidential perspective on this process through Contact, as Fox works through the impact before us.” (RVNG Intl.)