Fiery the Angels Fell: Neues von der Yorkshire Modular Society

Unter dem Titel “Fiery the Angels Fell” erscheint in Kürze ein neues digitales One Track-Album der obskuren Yorkshire Modular Society auf Dragon’s Eye Records. Die ausladende Ambient-Komposotion auf der Basis modularer Klangsynthese entfaltet in ihrer nokturnal-gleitenden Art eine dunkle, nebelverhangene Atmosphäre, die vom Label nicht zu Unrecht mit dystopischen Filmplots wie Blade Runner oder Akira vergleichbar wird und sich für einen entsprechenden Soundtrack eignen würde.

“Amid the ethereal layers of Fiery the Angels Fell, there lies a haunting beauty — melancholic melodies that echo the depths of the human experience. Each sombre chord carries the weight of personal sorrow, intertwined with the artist’s journey through the shadowy corridors of grief. For Yorkshire Modular Society, Fiery the Angels Fell is more than just an exploration of sound; it’s a testament to the human experience. Guided by the artist’s own life experience, these melodies are imbued with the echoes of love and loss, resonating with a raw emotional intensity.” (Dragon’s Eye)

“As the cityscape pulses with electric fervor, oscillations emerge like whispers in the rain-soaked streets. LFOs, like elusive shadows, guide the listener through a maze of sonic intrigue, each modulation a glimpse into a world of mystery. Within the depths of digital tape modules, time unravels and reconstitutes, casting a veil of uncertainty over the sonic landscape. Reverb and delay wash over the senses like urban decay, adding depth to the sonic architecture that surrounds”. (Yorkshire Modular Society)