Bodies: Neue LP von EPRC

Das nach den Initialen der beiden Betreiber Elisabetta Porcinai und Roberto Crippa benannte multimediale Projekt EPRC bringt in einigen Wochen über Stray Signals eine neue LP mit dem Titel “Bodies” heraus. “Written, produced, and mixed between Milan and Berlin during 2023 and 2024, BODIES is an exploration of haunting aural terrains that ventures in the liminal interstices of thought and experience – be it real, dreamed, or imagined”, heißt es im Begleittext. In einem vielgestaltigen Soundkonzept erkunden die beiden verschiedene phänomenologische Fragen rund um den menschlichen Körper: “Materiality, space, and the human body – in EPRC’s work, sound is a vessel to probe reality, manifested through

a narrative that is at once visceral and eerily abstract. Through sculpted rhythmic elements, droning tones, and voice as a counterpoint, their music conjures a moment in time, a daydream, the light flickering under your eyelids, a night drive, a landscape. Their 9-track suite BODIES emerges as a balancing act, or rather a power play, hovering between fragility and sheer violence, intended as both destructive force and vital elan. Dematerialized synth compositions and rarefied choral harmonies alternate with pulsating percussion and raw distortion throughout the album”. Das Album erscheint Anfang September als LP und digital, der Track “Sometimes” ist bereits erhältlich.