Magnetar: Neue Zusammenarbeit von Dirk Serries und Trösta

Zweieinhalb Jahre nach ihrem gemeinsamen Debüt “Islands in the Moon” bringen die belgischen Dröhner Dirk Serries und Nicolas Lefèvre alias Trösta. Das melodische Alt-Saxofon zusammen mit der dröhnenden Gitarre bildet auch auf “Magnetar” wieder das Grundgerüst der Musik.

Bei Project Records, die das Album digital veröffentlichtem, heißt es :”Warmly phrased, the saxophone spreads its serene and graceful melody, washed in reverb, flowing in long, engulfing phrases. Don’t think about the jazz use of the sax but consider it as a warm analog wind instrument that moves above, underneath and along with the expansive guitar soundscapes. Serries began the project with electric guitar and effects; performed live in the studio, he received a duet in return. The results are elaborate soundscapes: a symphony of lyricism, depth and nuance. It’s a solace drenched in melancholy and light, organically made by the hands of talented musicians. The 102-minute album expands their unique sonic universe, creating a beautiful, harmonic and moody blend. Music created on the spot showcases how naturally their two worlds blend”.

@ Bandcamp