Der schweizer Drummer und Perkussionist Julian Sartorius bringt Ende des Monats und somit kein Jahr nach seinem bei -OUS erschienenen Longplayer “Locked Grooves” seine neue LP “Mux” heraus – 12 schnelle, rhythmische und meist repetitive Lebensformen enthaltend, die ihre Existenz den Drums und ihren Resonnanzkörpern verdanken und über weite Strecken an elektronische oder elektronisch untermalte Musik erinnern. “Mux” erscheint als LP mit Artwork von Scott Daniel Ellison bei Marionette und ist auch als Download erhältlich.
“Since his Beat Diary debut (a 12xLP box set comprising 365 beats recorded daily over the course of a year), Julian Sartorius has immersed himself in unique and ambitious projects – trekking the path not travelled to arrive at rhythmic life forms through found objects and prepared instruments. Equally as mighty are his two other escapades, the most recent being Locked Grooves – 112 beats cut as endless loops on vinyl spanning 56 dense 1.8 second compositions per side. Preceding that is his auditory hike into the mountains (Hidden Tracks: Basel – Genève), wading through and playing the landscapes around him like a lithophone.
While Julian’s previous releases focus on innovative and conceptual approaches to realizing an album, his new venture on Marionette (titled Mux) is a culmination of all his efforts thus far to mimic a synthesizer and drum machine. This seemingly impossible feat challenges Julian to experiment and develop a musical language that bridges the gap between organic timbres and electronic music. When listening to Mux, one might simply forget that the seemingly electronic sounds are only constructed organically via hand movements. The common thread in all his works thus far is that the drums are treated as resonant bodies – free to flow and form rhythm and harmony in spacetime.” (Marionette)
Foto © Patrick Principe