Graveyard Processions: Gemeinsame LP von Kai Fagaschinski und Yan Jun

Gerade bringen Ni Vu Ni Connu das gemeinsame Debüt des deutschen Klarinettisten Kai Fagaschinski und der chinesischen Vokalistin Yan Jun heraus. “Graveyard Processions” ist Teil einer Reihe, mit denen das Label Duo-Projekte aus dem Umfeld der Berliner Echtzeitmusik in Form von Aufnahmen dokumentiert. Das Album erscheint als LP und digital.

Graveyard Processions [...]  sees the duo enrich improvisation with field recordings and overdubs. The Berlin-based clarinettist and the sound artist and vocalist from Beijing blur the lines between improvisation on the one hand, and record production as well as composition-after-the-fact on the other. The four pieces on Graveyard Processions work primarily with Yan Jun’s voice and Fagaschinski’s playing and also add a plethora of other sounds to dizzying effect. This is the sound of two prolific artists — the former active across different media and as a vocal experimentalist, the latter a fixture in Berlin’s Free scene as a member of The International Nothing and other projects — vastly expanding upon their possibilities”. (Ni Vu Ni Connu)