Urban Arts Berlin plant zur Zeit eine Compilation mit ritueller, schamanistischer Musik aus verschiedenen, schwerpunktmäßig experimentellen Musikarten. Deadline für Beiträge ist der 1. November 2017.
We invite all musicians & sound artists to produce a 3 to 7 Min. max. works based on Shamanism & Pagan traditions from all over the world. We believe the knowledge of our ancestors to be relevant for our contemporary understanding of nature and human life. We also know that the way we produce music and sound does quite often involved new technological aspects such as computers and analogue machinery. We aim to bring together the old generations which used sound as a sacred experience with new technological forms or creative sonic expressions of today. This syncretic practice can be expressed in different musical terrains such as ambient, experimental music, post-classic, industrial and noise. Be free to express!
What you have to send:
-Wav Audio File (no other format is accepted) – 44.1 Khz/16 bit
-Include title and name of the artists on the file: Magic Trees_Eva Johnson
-Include a short bio with links to your website or soundcloud/bandcamp (Word Format)
Send all above via we transfer als zip file to: veromota.urbanartsberlin@gmail.com
Looking forward for your submissions!