Das italienische Label KrysaliSound ist seit einigen Jahren ein mehr als solider Multiplikator für ambiente Elektronik, Soundart und diverse Exkurse ins Multimedia-Terrain. Für den anstehenden Sommer stehen drei sauber produzierte Alben ins Haus, deren Bandbreite von minimaler, weltentrückter Elektronik über mystische Ambientscores bis zu rauschig rauen und trotzdem feinsinnigen Tapeloops reicht.
“Sascha Rosemarie Höfer is the first name and comes from Germany. In the last months he found an archive with an old project recorded in 2012 and during the isolation he edited and completed the work. Robbie Elizee is the second artist and comes from Nashville, USA. I found his music on Soundcloud and what I will propose you is a collection of minimal electronic songs almost all recorded during the isolation. Flow Control is the project of the Tucson Az based Jesse Anderson. He uses recording techniques which are very fascinating to me like tape loop cassette and reel to reel.” (KrysaliSound)