Adam Parks a.k.a. Lightning White Bison sowie Mitglied bei Timber Rattle und Michael Anderson alias Drekka haben in Mailart-Manier zwischen Tschechien und Nordamerika ein gemeinsames Album herausgebracht, das Projekt firmiert unter dem kryptischen Namen xLWBxDRx. “Prairie spells, a ribbon wove”, das neben dem obligatorischen Download in einem Doppel-Tape-Boxset herauskommt, enthält vier jeweis elfminütige Ambienttracks von filigraner Gestalt und setzt sich auf einfühlsame Art mit Landschaften und Fragen der Nähe und Distanz auseinander. Digital ist “Prairie spells, a ribbon wove” bereits erhältlich, die Tape-Box erscheint am 20. März 63mal auf dem Bluesanct-Ableger Orphanology.
“Built from a simple palette of exchanged raw materials, minimal drones, and field recordings from Mkl’s and Adam’s individual wanderings and past travels together, “Prairie spells, a ribbon wove” towers like a structure of unknown origin in a frosty plane, looming and beautiful and committing to neither threat nor its counterpart. [...] At this point in Drekka’s quarter century career, it would make sense to acknowledge his own hearty catalogue as an antecedent to this work. But like many of the most engaging collaborations, it’s difficult to decipher where one’s vision ends and another begins. And this can be said of the aesthetic of these recordings as well. Sight and site and sound and memory seem to all play a significant role. The result is rich and haunted.” (Orphanology)
“Been keeping an ear on the lush melted soundworlds that Drekka has been conjuring up, waiting for an entry point. Holy shit this collaboration with Lightning White Bison has me feeling all sorts of strange, gnarled, and sedated vibes. Haunting piano, tepid drones, far off choirs, twisted chatter, all smothered in a rich cavernous, voyeuristic molasses. For fans of Several Wives, Arrowounds, Janushoved.” (Lost Tribe Sonds)