Nihil, oder Alle Zeit der Welt: Film von Uli Schüppel mit Blixa Bargeld im Berliner Liebig12

Im Berliner Projektraum Liebig12 ist am 11. August Uli M. Schüppels Film Nihil, oder Alle Zeit der Welt aus den späten 80ern zu sehen. Der knapp einstündige, auf 16mm gedrehte Schwarzweiß-Film ist nach einigen Kurzfilmen Schüppels erste Arbeit im längeren Format und erzählt in archaisierenden Bildern die Geschichte einer Gruppe von jungen Kämpfern, die sich in einer postapokalyptisch anmutenden Welt gegen das technokratische Regime eines “Professors” stellen. Zu den Darstellern zählt u.a. Neubauten-Frontmann Blixa Bargeld, der Filmmusik stammt von Alexander Hacke. Es empfielt sich eine Reservierung unter

“The ideas for the script were created in a couple of nights. Usually, I sat in the same corner at “Hansa-Studio”. Bands like “Einstuerzende Neubauten”, “Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds” and “Crime and the City Solution” were recording their albums after another. I only had to close my eyes and the projector was running, like weeds images grew emberantly to the background of the new sounds. I felt the mood, the quiet-intensive atmosphere that the film was to carry with it. The parabel and the baladesque was created. The expressive strength and poetry of the picture was to be more important than the story and action. No reality, no contemporary was to be shown directly, but only to be seen in the presence of the actors faces. No cars, no people, no Berlin! Still, WestBerlin was to be present throughout the film, and no other city. The feeling and the conception of the world shown could have only been created here, at the end of the 80s. Small groups develop everywhere, energies which move forward desperatly. Anywhere. An illusion of losers who become heroes. No aim (which?) is relevant anymore. Only the movement…” (Uli M Schueppel, Excerpts from “Chonicle of an unexplored film”, 1988)

Donnerstag, 12.08.2021
Beginn 19 Uhr
Liebig12 Project Space
Liebigstrasse 12
10247 Berlin

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