Mehr oder weniger zeitgleich zu William Jourdain alias Automatismes “Statique”-Tape auf Mille Plateaux bringen Constellation Records eine gemeinsame LP des kanadischen Producers und des schweizerischen Künstlers Stefan Paulus heraus. Unter dem Titel “Gap/Void” entstand eine Arbeit, bei der Paulus’ in ihrer prozessierten Form z.T. rabiate Field Recordings u.a. von Wind und Wetter in unwegsamen Regionen der Welt mit dem sauberen Sounddesign von Jourdains digital erzeugten Rhythmen fusionieren.
“Jourdain and Paulus began their musical collaboration through shared projects with the Mille Plateaux/Force Inc. labels, each contributing to the Ultrablack of Music anthology and Paulus going on to make several videos for Automatisme tracks issued by the two labels. Yet none of these earlier collaborations showcased as profound an exploration of the two musicians’ respective practices as does Gap/Void. In early 2021, Paulus approached Jourdain with an idea for a new collaboration that would bring together audio/video material culled from his field recordings with Jourdain’s dancefloor sensitivities. The ambition would be to craft music that resubstantiates the ambling and adrenal trajectories of Paulus’ original mountain climbs and project the sensation of jumping over a gap into the void.” (Constellation Records)