Se Ve Desde Aquí: Neues Album von Mabe Fratti

Die in Guatemala lebende Komponistin, Cellistin und Sängerin  Mabe Fratti bringt Mitte nächsten Monats ein neues Album heraus. “Se Ve Desde Aquí” enthält acht Songs, die trotz ihrer Kompaktheit eine spannungsgeladene, turbulente Dramatik enthalten. Es erscheint am 14. Oktober auf Vinyl und digitalbeim Tin Angel-Ableger Unheard of Hope, ein Track ist bereits über diverse Plattformen erhältlich.

“Mabe Fratti is always on the lookout for new ways to express herself and to reflect her surroundings; she sees this as a process of continual “sonic transformation”. Not that she sees her method as unique: “I believe this happens to a lot of musicians, that in the interim when you finish a record and you release it you learn [new] things and change your philosophy towards what you want to sound like.”  Se Ve Desde Aquí is a decisive shift away from Fratti’s most recent works, which were more enigmatic in tone. The rich, multi-layered arrangements heard on 2021’s acclaimed long player, Será que ahora podremos entendernos and egoless collaborations such as the fabulous Let’s Talk About The Weather with Malaria legend and Monika supremo Gudrun Gut, created a mystery around Fratti which reveal only certain aspects of this affable musician’s character.

Fratti sees her new music as “drier” in texture and more on the front foot in terms of setting out emotion: she describes the results as “less protected”. According to her, the sound is “informed through the aesthetics of rawness, and a ‘dirtiness’”: sampling expressions within improvisation, or extreme hi-fi dry sound. This noisy instrumentation is set against “the tools of melodic lines and harmony”, leading to a trademark richness, but one now more judiciously applied to set up a moment: “I did layering but it’s more in specific moments. Basically my whole idea was to be as raw as possible and try to avoid overdubbing the same instrument as much as I could, of course always leaving space to break my own rules in the process.” (Unheard of Hope)