Gjest Song: Trondheim Voices mit Stücken von Christian Wallumrød

Hubro Music bringen Anfang Dezember ein neues Album des norwegischen Vokalensembles Trondheim Voices heraus. Die Musik auf “Gjest Song” wurde für eine Performance konzipiert, die 2015 in der Lademoen-Kirche während des Trondheim International Olavsfest aufgeführt wurde, die vorliegende Aufnahme entstand vor zwei Jahren in der Melhus-Kirche. Dazu wurde das Material, wie Chorleiterin Sissel Vera Pettersen hervorhebt, modifiziert: “Christian’s compositions are mostly the same as the first performance, but on the album, we have opened it up a bit more and added some musical ideas that evolved from collective improvisations. A big part of the recording is also the sound of the room and building where we sing, living it’s on life in interaction with the weather outside”. Wallumrød selbst betont die Offenheit und Variierbarkeit seiner Kompositionen: “I’m happy that Trondheim Voices took the initiative to record the music, and it’s been nice that it has been some time since it was originally performed and tested. To record something, create a sound, sequencing and form, will always bring forward its own logic and weight. To me it felt like a natural consequence, a type of continuation where we in collaboration focused on the sound and the musicality. I like that the room and sound of the place we worked have put such a distinct character on the recording. In some way it is also a peripheral reminder of the specific placement of the original performance situation”. Das Album erscheint in allen gängigen Formaten.