Difficult Messages: Compilation mit Wolf Eyes-Kollaborationen

In Kürze erscheint eine Sammlung mit Wolf Eyes-Kollaborationen auf Disciples Records. Das Release mit dem Titel “Difficult Messages” versammelt Aufnahmen, bei denen die im Kern aus Nate Young, John Olson, Alex Moskos, Gretchen Gonzales, Aaron Dilloway und Raven Chacon bestehende Combo von verschiedenen Gästen begleitet worden sind und die in den vergangenen Jahren auf im Eigenvertrieb erschienenen und entsprechend stark limitierten Singles erschienen sind. “Many of the bands on ‘Difficult Messages’ exist inside an assemblage of a mail art tradition, heißt es im Begleittext. “Most of the music was made remotely and this allowed for deeper exploration into styles that might have been too uncomfortable to attempt face to face. Short Hands finds Nate Young, and Alex Moskos exchanging bass and guitar fragments with

Olson’s reeds and tones overtop sculpted into odd rock songs. Wolf Raven touches on harsh electronics and pushes forward into postmodern ideas of composition. Time Designers is a duo of Alex Moskos and Nate Young using hacked drum machines and a ‘design’ approach to organizing sound. U Eye finds Olson and Young alongside longtime collaborators Gretchen Gonzales and Aaron Dilloway for a scrape and tape session recorded by Warren Defever. Stare Case is Olson and Young in a non-Wolf duo. Perhaps the only ‘rules following’ project these two have EVER had. The collection of audio tracks could be looked at as an exquisite corpse: a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. With this method over thirty tracks and four hundred paintings were created”. Das Album erscheint am 27. Januar als LP , der ein kleines Magazin beiliegt, sowie zum Download.