7K! bringen mit “From Moments” das mittlerweile dritte Album des jungen norwegischen Pianisten und Komponisten Vetle Nærø heraus, in eigenen Worten “his most personal work yet and an invitation to empty your mind and focus only on the present”. Das Album entstand kurz nach dem Umzug des
an Klassik, Minimal Music und Jazz geschulten Musikers aus der Kleinstadt Ålesund nach Oslo, wo er außerhalb routinierter Bahnen viel stärker den gegenwärtigen Moment im Fokus hatte. Das hat sich dann auch auf den instinktorientierten Arbeitsprozess am Album ausgewirkt. As a child, I could just do things without thinking what else I might do or what could have been more fun,” so der Musiker. “Life was just about sharing a connection with people around me. I was not yet affected by the mental constructs of adult life which take over as we grow up. We lose that freedom and become more confused than ever. But I think that we can feel that youthful connection to pureness and truth even as adults. We just have to stop and be solely in the present moment.” Das Album erscheint digital.