Goodbye, Hotel Arkada: Neues Album von Mary Lattymore auf Ghostly International

Gerade erscheint das neue kollaborative Album der Harfenistin und Komponistin Mary Lattimore. Mit Lol Tolhurst (The Cure), Meg Baird, Rachel Goswell (Slowdive), Roy Montgomery, Samara Lubelski und Walt McClements wirken zahlreiche namhafte Kolleginnen und Kollegen an “Goodbye, Hotel Arkada” mit. Das in einem Zeitraum von zwei Jahren erschienene Album ist nicht nur eine Hommage an das titelgebende Hotel auf der krotischen Insen Hvar, sondern auch eine Ode an den Velust im universellen Sinne. Im Begleittext heißt es: “Six sprawling pieces shaped by change; nothing will ever be the same, and here, the artist, evolving in synthesis, celebrates and mourns the tragedy and beauty of the ephemeral, all that is lived and lost to time. Documented and edited in uncharacteristically measured sessions over the course of two years, the material remains rooted in improvisation while glistening as the most refined and robust in Lattimore’s decade-long catalog. It finds her communing with friends, contemporaries, and longtime influences, in full stride yet slowing down to nurture songs in new ways”.

Zu den Ideen hinter den Songs betont die Musikerin: “When I think of these songs, I think about fading flowers in vases, melted candles, getting older, being on tour and having things change while you’re away, not realizing how ephemeral experiences are until they don’t happen anymore, fear for a planet we’re losing because of greed, an ode to art and music that’s really shaped your life that can transport you back in time, longing to maintain sensitivity and to not sink into hollow despondency”. Immer wieder jedoch geht die Musik mit ihren Referenzen an den spezifischen Schauplatz zurück: “There’s a big old hotel there called the Hotel Arkada, and you could tell it had been hosting holiday-goers for decades in a great way”, so Lattymore. “I walked around the lobby and the empty ballrooms and it looked like a well-worn, well-loved place. My friend Stacey who lives there told me to ‘say goodbye to Hotel Arkada, it might not be here when you get back’ and I heard soon after that it was actually going to be renovated in a very crisp, modern way”. All die verschiedenen Eindrücke sollen in der Musik für eine Sekunde bewahrt und gehalten werden. Das Album erscheint in zwei Vinyl-Editionen, als CD und zum Download mit Artwork von Michael Cina bei Ghostly International.

@ Ghostly International