Directions Out Of Town: LP von Finlay Shakespeare auf Editions Mego

Editions Mego bringen Mitte Juni eine neue – und wie es zumindest heißt eventuell die letzte – LP des britischen Producers Finlay Shakespeare unter dem Titel “Directions Out Of Town” heraus. Auf verschiedene Weise ist das Album eine großangelegte Reflexion über das Verschwinden auf dem Fundament eines kantigen elektronischen Pop. Bereits der Titel berichtet vom Weggang, und im Begleittext heißt es: “Lyrically, Directions Out Of Town is dealing with loss; personally, geographically, politically, culturally – a general decay of everything. This new record is heavily inspired by structural film where the results unravel a method where metaphor is removed

from the act of sound synthesis, production and mix of the tracks. Fiercely independent and brimming with integrity this is a deeply effective journey through machines of the human experience. The track titles are telling: ‘Away’, ‘Get’, ‘Direction’, ‘I go for a walk’, etc. This is sentiment via complex synthesis wrung through patterns of pop. One also finds ways out that only turn out to be false/untrue. ‘I essentially don’t know where I belong any more. This record is the precursor to that’. What is ostensibly an electro pop record reveals a multitude of layers and depth as one man and his machines wrestle with the reality of this tangled matrix. If the charts had brains this would be album of the year”. Es erscheint auf 300 Scheiben und digital.