Expanding Concert Lisboa 2019 -2023: Umfangreiche Liveaufnahme mit João Artur, Dasha Birukova, DJ Marfox u.v.a.

In den kommenden Tagen erscheit eine Doppel-LP mit Konzertaufnahmen von verschiedenen Auftritten der Improvisationsmusik, die zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten an Orten in und um Lissabon stattfanden, die alle der Organisation Galerias Municipaes nahestehen. Die teilnehmenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler sind João Artur, Nuno da Luz, Vuduvum Vadavã, Dasha Birukova, DJ Marfox, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Margarida Garcia, Regina de Morais, Bárbara Silva sowie Mattin & The Audience. Die Aufnahmen erscheinen zusammen mit verschiedenen Texten, die während der hier dokumentierten Zeitperiode entstanden sind und mit der Musik in einem dynamischen Call and Response-Verhältnis stehen, angelehnt an die Call and Response-Gesangstechniken im Blues. Die Texte erscheinen in einem 32seitigen Booklet.

“This record is a documentation of this long concert. Expanding Concert explored the notion of call and response in improvi­sation in an expanded form: each public intervention was a form of call. For each intervention, a writer was invited to attend and respond with a text written in the following months. The writers’ responses were attempts to contextualise each intervention in relation to the artistic, political, and eco­nomic situation of Lisbon at the time. The responses were also influenced by the fact that the writers had been taking into consideration some of the most determining global events of the last years such as the COVID-19 pan­demic, the killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, inflation, and the war in Ukraine. Each public intervention worked as a proposition to explore self-percep­tion at a specific time and place through performer-audience interaction. This record consists of audio excerpts and video stills from the interventions as well as the writers’ responses written after the events. These components were conceived in different temporalities but are all equal parts of the concert. The term ‘expanding’ has been taken literally here: in the first inter­vention Mattin was alone, but as soon as he began, the situation started to expand by his interaction with the audience. For the following interventions, a different musician joined Mattin each year: Margarida Garcia in 2020, DJ Marfox in 2021, Vuduvum Vadava in 2022, and Joao Artur in 2023. History is always retrospectively considered. The tools that we have at our disposal to be able to understand what came before are tainted by the pres­ent. The composer Walter Marchetti famously said: ‘If you are thinking about music, it is already music: Here we go a step further: if you think, it is already music. With this simple axiom, this project attempts to break any distinction between making music, its socio-political context and our reflections about it. Playing a concert in the ‘Noise Age’ when there is a disintegration of consensus reality, and when post-truth and the disenchantment of technologies are prevalent, means that we need to use any means at our disposal to deal with the social noise that we are involved in. A record is always a filtered conden­sation of the contradictions of a historical epoch, and it contains more than we can decipher. This record is like a message in a bottle for people to make sense of our senseless reality and hopefully to change it.” (EGEAC Galerias Municipaes)

@ Galerias Municipaes