What We Don’t See: CD von Justin Broadrick alias Final

Der von Gruppen wie Godflesh und Techno Animal sowie Soloprojekten wie Jesu her bekannte Justin Broadrick bringt in den nächsten Tagen ein neues Album eines weiteren bereits seit den frühen 80ern existierenden Solounternehmens, Final, heraus. Die fünf Tracks auf “What We Don’t See” basieren auf Gitarrentracks, die über weite Strecken zur Unkenntlichkeit entstellt sind und zu dunkle, verrauschten Soundscapes komponiert wurden. “Focused primarily on devolved landscapes of heavily treated guitar”, heißt es beim Label Room40, “FINAL sees Broadrick dwell in a foggy and subliminal zone where source materials are submerged, morphed and reborn as wholly different sound-beings. What We Don’t See is a record that pierces into the realm of post-experience that exists beyond sense and sensation. It reaches towards the invisible, the inaudible and the intangible and imagines a soundtrack to this non-place.

The record is cast in a hazy gauze of filtered noise within which seismic tremors of tone and harmony fold into each other. It is a record that breaths with a measure of deep dreams and an unfettered desire to dwell in sound”. Zu den thematischen Hintergründen schreibt der Musiker: “The theme of this recording is the invisible world, and one’s (my) need for it. It’s necessary for me, this idea of the invisible world, if I am to function on a daily basis. I find comfort in knowing that this is all not just us here and now, that there’s something else around us. That there’s something within us, that isn’t just this frail skin and bones and the immediate environments we drag ourselves around. I am sure since I was a child, that within me I am many, I am more than this. I surely can’t be just this, so I am motivated by the fantasy and/or promise of more”. Das Album erscheint am 31 Mai als CD und zum Download.