Sorry babe, I have weird legs: Gemeinsame EP von Fanny Meteier und Andrea S. Giordano

Thanatosis veröffentlichen Mitte Juli die Debüt-EP des italienisch-französischen Duos Fanny Meteier und Andrea S. Giordano, die sich bei einer Artist Residency kennenlernten und sofort eine Symbiose zwischen ihren Visionen erkannten. Das Minialbum mit dem einprägsamen Titel “Sorry babe, I have weird legs” enthält sechzehn kurze Stücke basierend auf einer Montage unterschiedlicher und ungewöhnlicher Klänge, bei der man eine gute Hand für Komposition und Imrovisation heraushört. Das Release erscheint digital.

“Grounded in solid instrumental craftsmanship and a reductionist improvisation aesthetic (yet with a strong sense of composition) the duo presents 16 short tracks that together form a dynamic and coherent whole with a totally unique and very specific expression. Giordano and Meteier have explored and combined sounds that often appear as something never heard before, and they’re using these compound-sounds as building blocks in the creation of stringently brilliant, real-time compositions where humor and the uncanny seems to dance together.

The tracks range from percussive flows to gradually shifting textures, where the sound sources often merge, blending and leaking into each other, and at other times drift apart for a while, becoming slightly more separate entities that nevertheless interact closely. These 20 minutes invite the listener’s full attention, which is richly rewarded with intense sonic experiences never encountered before. Listen, and step into Andrea S. Giordano and Fanny Meteier’s enchanted universe—it is sure to transform you!” (Thanatosis)

@ Thanatosis