One Third Of The Sun: Magda Mayas, Ute Wassermann und Raed Yassin debütieren als Thuluth

Auf Al Maslakh Records erscheint gerade das erste in dieser Konstellation aufgenommene Album des bereits seit einigen Jahren bestehenden dreiköpfigen Berliner Improv-Ensembles Thuluth, bestehend aus Magda Mayas (Piano, Objekte), Ute Wassermann (Stimme, Objekte) und Raed Yassin (Kontrabass, Objekte). Das Album wurde vor rund zweieinhalb Jahren live im Studio und Veranstaltungsraum von Morphine Records in Kreuzberg aufgenommen und steht so, auch von der visuellen Seite her, in einer Reihe mit dem Debüt des Quartetts Hic Up. “One Third Of The Sun” erscheint mit Artwork von Mazen Kerbaj und ist auch digital erhältlich.

“Thuluth (arabic for one third) is a Berlin-based acoustic ensemble featuring Magda Mayas on piano and objects, Ute Wassermann on voice and objects, and Raed Yassin on double bass and objects. The members of the group have collaborated in different contexts for many years prior to their first trio performance, which took place at Irtijal Festival in Beirut in 2016. During this initial performance, they immediately felt that they would continue to work together, due to a deep sonic trust and longstanding personal friendships, allowing them to explore their music intuitively. Thuluth’s debut album was recorded in January 2022 in Berlin at Morphine Raum. The group’s sonic approach is based on the three musicians’ commitment to blending timbres and textures, and sustaining them in an almost ritualistic performance while maintaining a dynamic and vivid approach. The three pieces that make up the album are fully improvised and dive deeply into harmonic and visceral sound material, while maintaining constant forward motion”.