September 23rd: Archivmaterial von William Basinski

Am 23. September veröffentlicht William Basinski im Rahmen seiner neuen Arcadia Archive-Serie ein Album mit kürzlich entdecktem Material, das ursprünglich in Brooklyn am 23. September 1982 aufgenommen wurde.Zur Genese der Komposition heißt es: „Built from a piano piece that Basinski composed in high school in the mid-1970s, September 23rd quickly evolved into a vastly different work. As Basinski explains: ‘The original piano recordings were made on on a piano belonging to my downstairs neighbor, John Epperson – later known more famously as world-renowned drag artist, Lypsinka – at 351 Jay Street aka Casa Degli Artisti, our first loft in New York. It was recoded with a little portable (probably Radio Shack) cassette deck sitting on the piano as I improvised a piece I had been working on since high school. It was pretty terrible, but when I did the John Giorno/William Burroughs cut-up technique, suddenly I had something to put through the Frippertronics loop and feedback loop tape delay system – and boy did I get results. A very prolific time for a young, wacked-out queen in NYC.’ “

@ Bandcamp