Birch Book Vol. IV: Neues Album des In Gowan Ring-Ablegers für 2020 geplant

B’ee von In Gowan Ring hat schon vor ein paar Wochen angekündigt, dass sein halbnomadisches Troubadour-Leben wieder aufzunehmen. Dieses reflektierte sich schon vor seiner m.o.w. sesshaften Zeit in Deutschland am meisten in seinem zweiten Projekt Birch Book, das oft und gerne als die Americana-Seite In Gowan Rings, als B’ees eigener Roadmovie in Form filigraner, melancholischer Folksongs beschrieben wurde. Vor zehn Jahren erschien mit “A Hand Full of Days” das letzte Lebenszeichen Birch Books. Unter den Arbeitstiteln “Wheel of Time” und “Way Back Home” ist nun Vol IV der Reihe für Sommer 2020 geplant.

“We left off at Volume III (‘A Hand Full of Days’) back in 2009 when I was toe-treading out on the West Coast, writing songs by the Columbia river, the beaches and oceansides of Oregon and California. It’s fitting somehow that I should be returning to north America as I resume this strain of music that I feel always was connected to the wild places of America and to my personal stories, history and ‘destiny’ as traveler, visioner and musician. So now after a good 8 years based in Germany I’m returning to the semi-nomadic life I used to know and in the moment I’m back in the West Coast USA, starting work on old projects once again. With your assistance, I’ll be equilibrizing my life trajectory in a non-local fashion with portable office which will include the basic tools required in order for me to continue work on the Birch Book from a rolling duffel bag—just add a desk and quiet room!  Though it may at times seem an intrepid, freewheeling way to go, at the moment it feels I’m free again – a kind of return to my ‘home without a house’ and I imagine to take at least a year before settling a base somewhere. The final release date for Birch Book IV is scheduled for Summer Solstice 2020.  Woven through many of these songs are themes revolving around the Sun – the love of sun, the mystery of Sun, the nurturing grace of Sun.” (B’ee)
