1982: Neue CD von Yui Onodera

In den nächsten Tagen erscheint unter dem Titel “1982″ ein neues Album des Klangkünstlers und Elektroakustikers Yui Onodera auf Room40. Das mit Gitarren, Piano, E-Geige, Field Recordings, verschiedenen Synthies, Tape Recorder und Effektgeräten eingespielte Werk entstand vor anderthalb Jahren in Iwate, dem im Nordosten der japanischen Insel Honshu gelegenen Geburtsstadt des Künstlers, in der das Erdbeben vor zehn Jahren eine starke Zerstörung bewirkt hatte. Das fehlen zahlreicher Erinnerungsstützen und die sich in vielen neuen Objekten spiegelnde Diskontinuität wurde auch zu einem zentralen Thema der vorliegenden Musik. Das Album erscheint am 23. August auf CD und zum Download.

“I stayed in Iwate, where I was born, for a few days and created some sound materials using limited materials and old media. Over ten years ago, Iwate was devastated by the Great East Japan earthquake. Many old things that remained in my memory became rubble, dismantled, and new scenery was there. I bounced every song from “1982” straight onto an old tape recorder. This album that comes out of my interest in sonic “degradation and rebuilding”. I treated the guitar and synthesiser in a lot of new ways, so using a lot of tape recorders and/or pedal effects. I wanted the guitar to be an extension of the ambient textures rather than technology and imperfection. The raw and the processed. We benefited greatly from the evolution and democratization of computer and audio technology in the early ’00s. I was fascinated by sounds that could not be created by humans, such as real-time audio synthesis and granular synthesis. Now, 20-odd years later, I am fascinated by sounds that cannot be created with a computer. It was a unique acoustic texture created by deterioration and wear, including accidental wear, due to old technology that is disappearing. It’s like a memory of my old days in Iwate.” (Yui Onodera)