Mitte November erscheint das nunmehr neunte Album des in Madrid lebenden kolumbianischen Avantgarde-Singer-Songwriter Julián Mayorga beim Hamburger Glitterbeat Label, das von einem klappernden, absurden Stück Post-Cumbia-Psychedelia spricht, von surrealen Fabeln voll von frenetischer Energie und satirischem Witz. “Chak Chak Chak Chak” ist eine fieberhafte Mischung aus kantigen E-Gitarren, zirkulären Beats, gefundener Percussion und schnellen Beschwörungsformeln, vorgebracht mit heiserer, aufgewühlter Stimme. Der Song “No te comas las blaquísimas mofetas” ist bereits zu hören. Das Album erscheint in den gängigen Formaten.
“Part technicolour fever dream, part polyrhythmic Dadaist frolic, Chak Chak Chak Chak is the latest full-length from avant-garde Colombian singer-songwriter Julián Mayorga, an album that brilliantly brings to life his absurdist post-cumbia infused psychedelia. Broadcasting from the fertile cauldron of his current headquarters in Madrid, where he has lived for the past ten years, Mayorga has created the next compelling phase of his self-proclaimed “timbre rebellion.” Inspired by the sounds of unconventional musical instruments – frying pans, mortar and pestle, knives and plates – his debut release on Glitterbeat (his ninth in all) curdles with an uncanny energy and satirical wit”. (Glitterbeat)