SONS OF AN OLDER COSMOS: Festival ritueller Musik am 17.12. in Berlin

Unter dem Titel “Sons of an Older Cosmos” veranstaltet das Label Qualia kommenden Samstag ein Ritualfestival im Berliner Hangar 49. Alle drei Acts – Akoustik Timbre Frekuenzy (UK), Bön (PL), Otavan Veret (FIN) – sind erstmals in Deutschland live zu sehen.

“This unique event, with artists of the occult and ritual scene, bring the knowledge, strength and power of occultist musick back to Berlin.
Supported by three sublime projects we celebrate a magick evening .


Over more than one decade ATF stands for growing experience for the spirit, no matter what path the praktitioner may follow. Enjoy one of his rare performences!


Not many words to say about this project. With their self-titeled debut in 2014 on Cyclic Law, OTAVAN VERET relases a monumental piece of music with a cosmic touch. These are the true sons of an older cosmos.”

Hangar 49
Holzmarktstr. 15-18
10179 Berlin

FB-Event mit Wegbeschreibung, Links zu den Musikern und Tickets