Rowan Coupland auf Tour in Deutschland, Dänemark und Schweden

In der zweiten Oktober-Hälfte tourt der an Gitarre und Celtic Harp bewanderte Folk-Sänger Rowan Coupland durch ausgewählte Orte in Deutschland, Dänemark und Schweden und präsentiert in dezenter Begleitung ältere und neue Songs. “The British-born alt folk singer sprung out of Brighton’s Willkommen Collective a few years back, and after playing with the Sons of Noel and Adrian and numerous other Brighton bands, he struck out alone with harp and guitar and anything he could carry on his back. Sounding like a cross between Nick Drake and Little Richard, his songs straddle that weird area between old gospel, jazz ballads and the sound of cicadas at night.”

Rowan Coupland @ Facebook

Rowan Coupland @ Bandcamp