Music For Safe Piece: Projekt zum Thema Schwangerschaft mit Valentina Campora, Andy Moor und Isabelle Vigier

Unsounds bringen in Kürze eine neue CD von Andy Moor heraus: “Music For Safe Piece” ist der musikalische Teil eines gemeinsamen Projektes zwischen ihm, der Choreografin Valentine Campora und der Videokünstlerin Isabelle Vigier. Initial war eine unter dem Titel “Safe Piece” konzipierte Serie von acht Tanzperformances von Campora, die während ihrer Schwangerschaft der Frage nach der Vereinbarkeit von Schwangerschaft und künstlerischer Arbeit, v.a. einer solchen, bei der der eigene Körper im Zentrum des Werks steht, nachging. Moor, Camporas Partner und Vater des Kindes, hat Musik zu dem Projekt komponiert, die sicham Verlauf der Choreografien orientiert. Ferner entstand unter der Regie von Isabelle Vignier ein Film mit allen acht Performances unter dem Titel Safe Piece (a film). Der CD liegt ein Link zum privaten Stream des Films bei.

“My approach to playing on Safe Piece was no different from how I approach improvisation in general with dancers. I decided from the onset of the project to play the guitar as I always play when I improvise using intuition, imagination, humour and surprise as I knew [my son] Elio would find this exciting and see it as an adventure. I had no intention of playing ‘childrens music’ or trying to soften the music or make it more digestable for a child. I believed that Elio would be able to relate much more directly to my funny scrapings on the fret board with a brush and metal file than if I had started playing nursery rhymes or circus tunes. It also gave him the freedom to approach my instrument with an enormous sense of curiousity and experimentation. He was not afraid to throw a football on the guitar or drag the cables across the floor and this made the whole experience extremely fun and joyful but also very serious because all our actions in relation to the guitar were connected with attempts to produce unusual and original sounds. For a small child to approach a musical instrument in this way for me is a great and wonderful start in his or her musical life.” (Andy Moor)

@ Unsounds

@ Movement Exposed Gallery Space