Neues Soloalbum: Oren Ambarchi auf Drag City

Ende September erscheint Oren Ambarchis neues Album “Shebang” bei Drag City, sein Opener “I” ist bereits auf den gängigen Plattformen zu hören. Mit seinen so ausladenden wie feinsinnigen rhythmischen Klangfolgen knüpft “Shabang” an frühere Arbeiten wie “Quixotism” (2014) and “Hubris” (2016) an. “Like those records, Shebang features an international all-star cast of musical luminaries, their contributions recorded individually in locations from Sweden to Japan yet threaded together so convincingly (by Ambarchi in collaboration with Konrad Sprenger) that it’s hard to believe they weren’t breathing the same studio air”, lassen Drag City verlautbaren und wecken damit kein geringes Interesse.

Ferner heißt es: “Expanding on the techniques of these past works, intricate themes and variations build upon the staccato rhythms via expansive improvisations from BJ Cole, Sam Dunscomb, Chris Abrahams, Jim O’Rourke and Julia Reidy. The ensemble surges through a slow series of harmonic changes before the whole shebang dissolves into a delirious synthetic mirage. Shebang begins with a precisely interwoven lattice of chiming guitar figures, developing Hubris’ monolithic pulse into a joyous, hyper-rhythmic melodicism while drawing on the free flow of improvisation, with individual voices momentarily coming to the fore and subtle changes in harmony and texture. [...] Bridging minimalism, contemporary electronics, and classic ECM stylings, and bringing together a cast of preternaturally talented contributors, Shebang is unmistakably the work of Oren Ambarchi: obsessively detailed, relentlessly rhythmic, unabashedly jubilant”.

@ Drag City