Die Klangästhetik des New Age: Neues von Kajsa Magnarsson

Outerdisk bringen Anfang Juni eine neue CD der schwedischen Soundkünstlerin Kajsa Magnusson heraus, deren neun Tracks mit analoger Elektronik, gesampleten Sounds und einigem mehr auf spielreische (/und manchmal auch leicht wehmütige) Weise das heute nicht immer positiv dargestellte Phänomen New Age feiern. Zu dem rein solo eingespielten Werk heißt es seitens des Labels: “For this unique release on OUTERDISK, we find Kajsa in her very best mood, where she conjures up an intelligent playful music, in the direction of new age, yoga, levitation and so much more, with many dizzying entrances, curved rooms, and smiling exits. In short, the seemingly tranquil contains, after the listener has

fine-tuned their expanding senses, constantly new ongoing worlds within itself, given time. The wristwatches melt, up is down, and down easily becomes up again, as Kajsa continues to lead us listeners through her concentrated musical equations to the Land of Nowhere. And, as we all know, Nowhere equals Everywhere and more, so Kajsa is ready to take over our current realities, and the New Age is here to stay! All and sundry, big and small, green and blue, are thus hereby welcomed into Kajsa’s musical spheres, where gender, colour and shape are totally subordinate to the collective sounding community shared by all”. Das Album ist auch zum Download erhältlich.