Room40 bringen eine Retrospektive mit Arbeiten, die der amerikanische Komponist Stephen Vitiello über die Jahre als Soundtracks zu diversen Videoarbeiten des ebenfalls als Musiker aktiven Videokünstlers und Hochschullehrers Andrew Deutsch produziert hat. Die Soundtracks für den Künstler, der in der Vergangenheit bereits mit namhaften Musikern und Komponisten wie Pauline Oliveiros, Keith Rowe, Tony Conrad, Emil Schulte und Ed Sanders arbeitete, kamen meist spontan zustande, orientierten sich meist an noch fragmentarischen Entwürfen Deutschs und verdanken ihre fertige Gestalt auch dem Einfluss der Interpreten. Dies wären neben Vitiellos eigenem beitrag mit Gitarre, Piano, Elektronik und Field Recordings Jane Riegler an der Flöte, Molly Berg an der Klarinette, Danny McCarthy mit Metallobjekten, Jax Deluca mit Vocals und letztlich Deutsch selbst mit Loops und anderen Arrangements.
“Over the last 25 years, Andrew and I have collaborated in various ways. We’ve made music together, and I’ve done soundtracks for countless videos and animations that he has produced. Andrew was the first person to introduce me to modular synthesizers. I remember buying a Doepfer system in 2005 after a visit to Alfred University where Andrew is a professor. Andrew tends to email out of the blue – a link to download a clip, sending little explanation, a minute or so of processed images and maybe a note to ask me if I’d work on some sonic accompaniment. The incoming clips are generally layered images, mostly abstract with something recognizable peering through, produced via varying processes of video synthesis (analog and digital) that I cannot decipher. I tend to respond quickly and now, similarly, listening back to my soundtracks, I have very little memory of how these pieces were made. I don’t believe I’ve ever composed to a finished video. Andrew sends me what feels like an idea-in-progress and I respond with my own felt response.
Nothing is meant to be fully synchronized. Most importantly, nothing should ever be descriptive – sound not describing image, image not describing sound. With that said, I am hoping these are works that can be enjoyed even if one hasn’t seen the videos, even if the tracks would not have been made without the prompt of Andrew’s images. Embedded in these sound works are performers who always become collaborators. Molly, Jane, Andrew, Jax, Danny, all bring something unexpected, and to my mind, surprising and generous.” (Room40)