He Can Jog: Großangelegte Hommage auf Audiobulb

Audiobulb bringen justament eine großangelegte Hommage an den amerikanischen Computermusiker Erik Schoster alias He Can Jog in Form einer zweiteiligen Compilation heraus. Das Werk ist die Feier einer langen kreativen Freundschaft zwischen Erik, dem Label und den diverse Remixe und Neuinterpretationen beitragenden Musikerinnen und Musikern und zugleich eine umfassende Einführung in verschiedene Sparten der für das Label relevanten elektronischen Musik. Ümlaut, Nakamura Tomotsugu, Bryan Teoh, Neuro… No Neuro, Anura, Nomad Palace, Russ Young sind nur einige der vertretenen Namen, auf einem Track ist He Can Jog selbst im Alleingang zu hören. Das Release ist neben der digitalen Version auch auf zwei limitierten Tapes erhältlich.

“There are some very limited handmade cassettes available of volume 1 & 2. These tapes are a collection of new and old music by folks close to the Audiobulb family. Some were commissioned for this project specially and some were produced over the years in other contexts now collected and remastered here. Most recently I invited some friends and Audiobulb at large to have at a data dump of renders, stems and alternate takes. Quite a number of pieces feature procedurally folded trumpet recordings from a segment of the EP “it’s / a / hoot / to / mix / and / match“. I had such plans for those trumpets but they never really materialized in “hoot”. I’m really delighted that they’ve taken on a new life. Many of these pieces use none of those recordings. Like Bryan Teoh’s haunting arrangement of “We All Have Hot Chocolate Tummies and Frozen Faces” for multitracked viola de gamba. Anura and Nomad Palace also composed their contributions from the ground up, reworking two different movements from the album Middlemarch. On guitar in Anura’s case and accordion / melodica in Nomad Palaces’. These tracks recompose the material so extensively it’s a matter of trivia to note what sounds were sourced in the process. To me these tracks possess a frailty in sound — the potential of scraps and detritus is enough. What is enoughhhh? This collection is for Louis. <3” (He Can Jog)

@ He Can Jog – Tapes