Looking for Daniel: Interpretationen von Phill Niblock auf Unsounds

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Echonance Festival bringen Unsounds in den nächsten Tagen eine CD mit neuen Intepretationen von zwei seitenfüllenden Werken des vor einigen Wochen verstorbenen Komponisten und Musikers Phill Niblock heraus. Es handelt sich bei den Arbeiten, deren hier vorliegende Umsetzung in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Niblock konzipiert wurden, um die Komposition “Exploratory, Rhine Version, Looking for Daniel” (2019) und das für die Vokalistin und Violinistin Biliana Voutchkova geschriebene und in der Berliner Akademie der Künstle aufgenommene “Biliana” (2023), bei dem sich Niblock in Zusammenarbeit mit Davide Capobianco um die Abmischung kümmerte. Die andere Arbeit wurde von den beiden Ensembles Modelo62 – Gemma Tripiana Muñoz (Flöte), Enric Sans Morera (Bassklarinette), Justin Christensen und Chloë Abott (Trompeten), Vasilis Stefanopoulos (Kontrabass) und Ezequiel Menalled (Dirigenz und E-Gitarre) – und Scordatura – Elisabeth Smalt (Viola), Alfrun Schmid (Stimme), Reinier van Houdt (Keyboards) und Claudio F Baroni (Orgel) – eingespielt und von Baroni und Menalled abgemischt. Das Album ist auch zum Download erhältlich.

“We commemorate the late Phill Niblock with this release made in close collaboration with the composer, just before his passing in January 2024. His life and work have had a profound influence on many contemporary composers, performers and artists, so it is a great honour to be able to present here, together with Echonance Festival, recordings of some of his very last compositions. The two works on this album, Biliana (2023) and Exploratory, Rhine Version, Looking for Daniel (2019) represent the hallmarks of his unique approach to composition where multiple, closely-tuned instruments and voices are used to create rich and complex sonic tapestries. In Biliana, written for performer Biliana Voutchkova, her violin phrases and vocalizations carve out a deep sonorous space full of fluctuating overtones. By emphasizing on the physicality and materiality of her sound, the piece gives us the sensation of stepping back to reveal a singular portrait of the musician. Exploratory, Rhine Version, Looking for Daniel was recorded by two Netherlands based ensembles, Modelo62, and Scordatura ensemble from a live recording made at the Orgelpark, Amsterdam during the Echonance Festival in February 2023. It is a complex work comprising of 20 parts, where lines seem to emerge and disappear out of a landscape of harmonies and sonic spectra. There is also a voice hidden in this mass of instruments, just like in Biliana, giving both works an added human element – something that always emerges out of Phill Niblock’s seemingly dense musical constructions.” (Unsounds)

@ Unsounds | Echonance