Noor​-​e T​ā​reek: Beitrag zum Radif of Iranian Music von Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi

Post Orientalism bringen im November einen weiteren Teil ihrer großangelegten und vielseitigen Reihe “Radif of Iranian Music” mit verschiedenen Soundblocks of Humanity heraus, beteiligt ist diesmal die in Nordamerika lebende Künstlerin, Komponistin, Instrumentenbauerin und Performerin Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi. Das von ihr komponierte und eingespielte Album mit dem Titel “Noor​-​e T​ā​reek” enthält eine halbstündige episodische Klanglandschaft, bei deren Durchquerung zahlreiche brodelnde, rauschende, dröhnende, knarrende, blubbernde und hochtönende Wegmarken und unterschiedliche Stimmungsschwerpunkte passiert werden, und in deren elektroakustischer Beschaffenheit sich eine ganze Reihe an Klängen klassischer Instrumente – man meint beispielsweise Setar und Kamanche oder ein anderes Streichinstrument zu erkennen – für kürzere oder auch längere Momente auftauchen. Das Album erscheint digital.

“Kimia Koochakzadeh-Yazdi is an Iranian composer and performer. She writes for hybrid instrumental/electronic ensembles, creates electroacoustic and audiovisual works, builds instruments, and performs electronic music. She explores the unfamiliar familiar while being motivated by musical extremes; finding ways to play with various musical thresholds is something that she is currently attracted to. Accidents in music excites her because oftentimes they have become the basis of her pieces. Incorporating her Iranian background and her experiences living in Iran is important to her compositional process, and she currently focuses on merging Iranian music with what she has learned from living in Canada and the US. Being a cross-disciplinary artist, she has actively collaborated on projects evolving around dance, film, and theater. She is the co-founder and producer of Fashion x Electronics, a collective focused on creating interdisciplinary works based on fashion and electronic music. Kimia’s work has been showcased by organizations across the globe and her work has been performed internationally at festivals including Ars Electronica, Festival Ecos Urbanos, Tehran Contemporary Sounds, Sonic Matter Festival, New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Sound and Music Conference, and Modulus Festival, among others. She holds a BFA in Music Composition from Simon Fraser University’s Interdisciplinary School for the Contemporary Arts, having studied with Sabrina Schroeder and Mauricio Pauly. Kimia is currently pursuing her DMA in Music Composition at Stanford University”. (Post Orientalism Music)

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