Crowdfunding-Kampagne für das Màgia Roja-Hauptquartier in Barcelona

Màgia Roja ist seit Jahren eine kleine, aber rührige Institution im musikalischen Underground Barcelonas und operiert als Label, Bar, Konzert-Venue und allgemein als Knotenpunkt subkultureller Aktivitäten. Wer in den katalonischen Hauptstadt auf der Suche nach Industrial, Improv, Psychedelia, Soundart und anderen experimentellen Künsten ist, kommt an dem Haus im Barcelonaer Gracia-Bezirk, etwas abseits der einschlägigen Touristen-Attraktionen, kaum vorbei. Das Màgia Roja ist eng mit der Gruppe Ordre Etern verbunden, deren Musik mit Test Dept. und Officine Schwartz verglichen wurde, aber auch Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten) und Coagul tauchten im Kurrikulum des Hauses auf. Aufgrund diverser Differenzen u.a. bezüglich der Lautstärke müssen in Kürze einige technische und bauliche Veränderungen vorgenommen werden, damit das Haus und das darin tätige Kollektiv weiterin für gegenkulturellen Input sorgen kann. Zu diesem Zweck, damit das Màgia Roja nicht das Schicksal des Berliner NK und vergleichbarer Einrichtungen ereilt, haben die Betreiber eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne gestartet, die man hier unterstützen kann.
“Magia Roja is a pioneer utopian project born out of the Barcelona’s dystopia. We are a cultural association who produces and promotes art in an integral system: we’re a label, we book shows in Barcelona and all around Europe, organize conferences, workshops and sessions twice a week, we’re a cultural think tank and creative space.

One of the key aspects is our space in Barcelona where a community is being born and where we do most of our local activity. In our HQ we programm exclusively industrial music, noise, free improv, psychedelia in the wider sense, ambient, experimental rock, sound art, tribal and drone shows, for a totol of around 80 a year.
Our criteria is eclectic (any form) but non-cynical (not in any shape), not that we lack sense of humour quite the contrary, but we don’t appreciate shallowness or superficiality. We’re always looking for the brave, original and enlightned artists all around the world. We want to change our surroundings and by changing them helping to change the world a bit for better.

The sessions after the shows are gatherings of talking, dancing and frolicking, where the DJ sessions are as brave as the concerts, where anything is possible and everything you could imagine has been danced, creating a completly different type of “club culture”, where music isn’t just an alibi. That’s why something like this has to survive: we’re the next step so that other people can feel inspired the same way we were inspired by brave people like those of UFO Club, Factory Records, Stubnitz, Islington Mill and many others before us.

We make a call to all the people more or less close to the project, artists, producers, art lovers, philantrophists – of Barcelona and abroad – who support as flag bearers the other face of Barcelona: the resistent, independent, the one that throbbs with creativity, critical thougths and that feeds itself of the real, authentic and veritable things, obtained by judgement and opinion.

If you want to help this reality to grow and to join our community please spread the world around and, in the measure you can, help us out with this campaign.

“To dystopian conditions, utopian respones!”

PS: If you have any questions or you think you can help us in any other way please contact us at:

As the community has grown we’ve realised that to keep doing what we do we need the conditions to do it.

For the respect of the neighbors we need to soundproof the space in order to give the best musical experience with the appropiate volume and at the same time not bother anyone. This implicates the creation of a closed entry with two acoustic doors to avoid the sound escape and building of an insulating roof in the warehouse and the arrangement of low frequencies traps, for a total bill of 10000 euros. In addition to this we need to improve the air conditioning and air extraction and set up the space in order to take in as much members possible with the appropiate conditions, including the construction of an extra WC.
Our objective is to complete these reconditionings before the end of June.

We quote below the plan and budget of the soundproofing of the company we are in contact with.
“In order to be able to proceed to the acoustic improvement regarding the acoustic insulation to facade and to the previous neighbor in the enclosure, a series of actions are proposed:
1. Acoustic measurements
2. Punctual acoustic improvement of the ground floor and the first floor
3. Study of global acoustic improvement of the whole space and proposal of solutions
4. Implementation of global acoustic improvement

Below is the budget with the hours allocated to each phase.
1 Acoustic measurements and report 1000 €
2 spot upgrades ground floor and first floor
A) Compressor drawer air conditioning 2000 €
B) 3 sanitary downpipes € 1400
C) Acoustic ceiling interior patio 3000 €
3 Implementation of the global project. Estimated 60 hours project € 2600
4 To budget once acoustic project has been carried out according to agreed constructive solutions.”

Crowdfunding-Seite @ Ulele

Màgia Roja @ Home

Màgia Roja @ Facebook