StereoAkuma: Neues Merzbow-Album zum Fundraising für australisches Naturschutzprojekt

Ende Februar bringt das im nordaustralischen Brisbane beheimatete Label Room40 mit “StereoAkuma” ein neues Merzbow-Album heraus, auf dem der bekannte Japanoise-Dauerproduzent Masami Akita Material seiner letztjährigen Auftritte in Melbourne und Sydney zusammengestellt hat. Der Erlös des Albums geht an die Organisation Wildlife Rescue (WIRES), die sich dem Schutz und der Versorgung der durch die verheerenden und nach wie vor unberechenbaren Wald- und Buschbrände betroffenen Fauna des Landes widmet.“In June 2019, Masami Akita, better known as Merzbow travelled to Australia to take part in Room40’s Open Frame festival. Across a week he delivered a series of performances to sold out audiences in Sydney and Melbourne. The performances were viscerally explosive, a channeling of intensities of frequency and volume – the kind of trademarked bodily affective noise Merzbow has become renowned for. Between the concerts, Akita spent his days visiting a variety of forests, spending time with legendary Australia fauna icons like the Australian White Ibis, Little Penguins and various other native species. As a vegan, his affinity for the natural world is unconditional. With this in mind he has announced all profits from this edition will be donated to assisting wildlife recovery in the wake of the Australia bushfire crisis of the past few months. Room40 will be matching all money raised.” (Room40)

Spendenaktion @ Wildlife Rescue