Strange Attractors: Neue CD von David Lee Myers

Gerade ist ein neues Album des New Yorker (Klang-)Künstlers David Lee Myers erschienen, der auch unter seinem Projekt Arcane Device bekannt ist, es enthält vier auslandende Tracks von meist kreisender Dröhnung, die sich in Fülle und Intensität stetig steigert. Ein wesentlicher Fokus des u.a. auf Feedback, gesampleten Geräuschen und digitalen Zeiteffekten (Delay, Reverse etc.) basierenden “Strange Attractors” ist in Myers eigener Beschreibung das Suspendieren der gewöhnlichen Zeitwahrnehmung: “Strange Attractors is an example of what may be called Time Displacement Music. A varying mix of feedback, other noise sources, and found sounds are fed to a series of stereo digital delay units whose parameters (delay time, reverse, freeze, etc.) are manipulated in real-time via LFOs, sample and hold controllers, and so on, as well as live manual adjustments to produce an ever-evolving pastiche of sound washes. Sitting quietly (especially late at night) and listening to these compositions can be strangely exhilarating.

My earliest involvement with electronics in music was the introduction of tape delay units. They utterly fascinated me: take a moment of time and store it, move it about, bend it into different shapes. Unbelievable! I spent hours unearthing the possibilities. Years later, technological advances have allowed much more complex capabilities in this realm, and modern versions of the time delay have always been at the core of my sonic explorations. Thus, Time Displacement Music. Taoism, Buddhism, and even contemporary physics state that fundamentally, there is no time, that there is only an incomprehensible eternally existing now, which we have little to no understanding of. But as a composer, I play with time. Unlike painting, for instance, all music is time-based. This creates a conundrum: if time does not exist, what is a composer working with, working upon? I cannot give a meaningful answer, but continue to play”. Das Album erscheint als CD und zum Download bei Crónica.