Dunes at Night: Morten Georg Gismervik auf Hubro

In den nächsten Tagen bringen Hubro Music einen neuen Longplayer des norwegischen Jazzgitarristen Morten Georg Gismervik heraus, an dem zahlreiche Gäste an verschiedenen Instrumenten mitwirken. “Dunes at Night” ist ein Album, das stark auf musikalische und v.a. stimmungsbezogene Unterschiede hin konzipiert ist, die für Gismervik wie zwei allegorische Charaktere anmuten. “Both characters have their own dedicated tunes, one opening the album, and the other one concluding it”, heißt es dazu bei Hubro. “The first character – Kimri – is presented through outgoing music with explosive grooves, while the other – Winter – appears more introvert and shy. This is where the colder, softer touch of nordic jazz makes its mark. The album draws inspiration on both Nordic and lyrical jazz as well as prog rock, and you can hear Gismervik´s unique ability to convey stories throughout the album”. Gismervik selbst betont besonders den erzählerischen Aspekt des Albums: “With Dunes at Night I was inspired to write a piece in album format, that could mirror a cinematic experience. To be able to tell a story the way a movie does, while simultaneously maintaining the strength of the indescribable feelings and moods that are unique to music, was an exciting challenge to me. This resulted in a musical piece where the music gives the listener just a glimpse of the characters the story follows, what the action is, and how the characters in this piece change during the short hour the listener spends with the album.” Das Werk erscheint als CD und zum Download.

@ Hubro