Geografías Geométricas Vol.2: Fortsetzung der Reihe von Chino Burga

Auf Midira erscheint der zweite Teil der geplanten “Geografías Geométricas”-Trilogie des peruanischen Dronekünstlers Chino Burga als digitales Album. Wie im ersten Teil verarbeitet der Musiker in (diesmal drei) bedächtigen, wellenförmigen Soundscapes von psychedelisch angehauchter Dröhnung seine Wanderungen in den Anden. Vom Label heißt es: “Sharing the same passion for mountain hiking, we can imagine how the experience of hiking through the andean nature inspired Chino Burga to record this album. The tracks sound

levitated, like listening to a very loud drone concert that is happening in the valley, while you are standing on the mountain top. The sounds float light-footed but also very assertive at the same”. Burga selbst beschreibt das Erhabene und stellenweise Überwältigende der Naturerfahrung: “So we walked up the Mountain with all the strain we did and most of the time we got a spectacular view or we found some ruins or temples up there. Maybe it’s the height, maybe the lack of oxygen, or maybe our effort but anyway it’s a breathtaking moment and experience that makes us question our own existence or purpose in life”.

@ Midira