Cloud: Neue CD von Marc Behrens

In wenigen Tagen bringen Crónica eine neue CD des Klang- und Crossmediakünstlers Marc Behrens unter dem Titel “Cloud” heraus, von der es heißt: “The title Clould convolutes the words cloud, hinting at humankind’s fascination of supposed supernatural beings that lived in clouds or created them, and could, a potentiality. Historical mythologies are placed in the context of 21st century airborne mass transport that propels large groups of human beings — passive by force — through a space that once belonged to mythological beings and energies. And to the clouds, of course. The Clould cycle of electroacoustic music pieces and its preamble Aiear (Crónica 218~2024) together consist of 95 minutes of music, five microstories, the libretto for its fifth movement, a number of aerial photographs and text charts, and a performance concept including the first three movements. This CD features the complete five movements of Clould, composed between 2011 and 2023. Clould is composed with sounds from inside airplanes and airports recorded in Weiterlesen