Am 11. August findet im Berliner Liebig12 ein Themenabend zur künstlerischen Biografie des Musikers und Künstlers Bob Rutman statt. Den Rahmen bildet ein Vortrag von Marialuisa Bonometti aus dem Umfeld von Rutmans Label Putojefe Records, der von einer engen persönlichen Freundschaft und einer profunden Kenntnis seines Werks geprägt sein wird. Eine reichhaltige Bild- und Soundpräsentation aus Rutmans Oeuvre wird das Programm abrunden.
“Sonic sculptor, musician and visual artist Bob Rutman was a fundamental figure in Berlin’s cultural life and his recent departure leaves a huge void in the city’s art scene. During his long and adventurous life, Bob traveled through every meaningful moment of history, crossing paths with many pivotal movements of art history. In this talk and listening session, Marialuisa Bonometti will go through Bob’s life in music, from his first endeavours with the Central Maine Power Music Company to the U.S. Steel Cello Ensemble, trying to place him in the broader context of post-war avant-garde by presenting a small selection of videos and compositions. Entrance is free and registration is required. Due to the Corona regulations, spots are very limited: please send an email to marialuisa.bonometti [at] to book your seat.”
Mittwoch, 11.08.2021
Einlass 19 Uhr
Liebig12 Project Space
Liebigstraße 12
10247 Berlin